Modul 2
Experts give different reasons for the underrepresentation of immigrants in German mental health care institutions. Communication barriers such as language problems can be a cause, as can social background or problems in the German mental health care system that negatively effect access and utilization of services.
Subjective ideas regarding mental illness among the persons concerned can differ to those of professionals and influence the utilization of mental health care institutions. For this reason, module 2 will assess subjective explanatory models and concepts of mental disorders in different population groups. Samples of persons without an immigration background will be compared against samples of people of Turkish origin and professionals in Germany and Turkey. Another focus will be on highlighting the strategies used by people with an immigration background to cope with mental illness.
The aim of this module is to identify the barriers encountered and the strategies used by people with an immigration background to cope with mental illness. By doing so, it will seek to develop long-term strategies for optimizing the German health care system to meet the needs of people with an immigration background.